Sports and Traffic

For tourists, this page is a way to know how to avoid losing precious hours of your vacation to getting stuck in traffic. For sports nuts, this page is a way to know when to head to the bar. Here are the major sporting events for Seattle teams the weekend of the wedding.
  • College Football: The Huskies play at home against Nebraska starting at 12:30 on Saturday. The University District, home of Husky Stadium, is not equipped to handle 75,000 tailgaters at all. It is best to avoid the U-district entirely on game day to avoid running the risk of being stuck in traffic.
  • Pro Football: The Seahawks are on the road.
  • Baseball: The Mariners are at home the weekend of the wedding.
    • Friday 7:10pm
    • Saturday 6:10
    • Sunday 1:10
    Despite their terrible record, the M's are a decent draw, especially on weekends if the weather is nice.
  • Soccer: Seattle Sounders FC are on the road. Yes, they're big enough to matter; the Sounders draw 36,000 per game, compared to the Mariners' 27,000 (and a lot of those M's fans come dressed as empty seats).

In Which Nick and Ursula Dress a Little Fancier and Get Their Picture Taken

Here's a collection of good shots from our engagement photo shoot earlier this August:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Many thanks to Chris Gendron of Gendron Photography!

Last-Minute Hotel Reminder

We've picked out some lovely retro-ish hotels for your stay here. But you need to book now in order to get a good price!
August 18th, today, is the last day to make reservations at our discounted group rate. If you haven't made your reservation, now is the time! You can cancel your reservation at no charge up until a few days before the wedding.
More information can be found on our Travel & Lodging page.

So, You Want To Make Your Own Pocketfolds...

The pocketfold DIY tutorial is very long and has been moved. Click here to read it in all its glory.

What To Wear Around Town

Emily Post would shake her finger at us for telling our guests what to wear, but we've gotten a couple of questions about this, so a few notes on "dress code" and colors. Also, another reminder about the weather for visitors.

The judges from Project Runway will not be taking notes on anyone's outfit

Wedding night attire

Ladies who want to avoid being mistaken for a bridesmaid should stay away from royal or electric blue. However, this is more for your sake than ours; if it looks good, wear it, regardless of color.

As far as how formal/informal to dress, it is (after all) a wedding; vintage attire is encouraged for those so inclined, and cocktail/semi-formal for those who aren't. Of course, this is Seattle, so if guests manage a level of formality exceeding jeans and T-shirts we'll be pleasantly surprised.


Just one last reminder for the Southerners: nighttime here is going to feel cold. Whenever Nick complains about the weather, his dad uses the same Mark Twain quote about how "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco", even though Mark Twain never said that. But it's true—it gets cold at night year-round! The joke here is that summer starts on July 5th. September lows are usually in the low 50s or possibly the mid-40s, plus there will be a little bit of wind. Even during the day, the usual high is 70 degrees and on a cloudy day it might be 60 degrees.